Reason and their solution Loss of hair

 Reason and their solution Loss of hair

Reason and their solution Loss of hair


Alopecia can affect your entire body or simply your scalp, and it can be temporary or permanent. It could be the result of inheritance, hormonal changes, medical issues, or ageing. Anyone can lose hair on their head, but males are more likely to do so.

Baldness is commonly defined as significant hair loss from the scalp. The most common cause of baldness is hereditary hair loss with age. Some people prefer to let their hair loss untreated and unhidden. Others may conceal it with different haircuts, makeup, hats, or scarves. Others choose for one of the various treatments to prevent additional hair loss or to restore growth.

Hair loss can manifest itself in a variety of ways, depending on the cause. It might strike abruptly or gradually, and it can affect only your scalp or your entire body.

The following are some signs and symptoms of hair loss:

Top of head thinning gradually. This is the most prevalent type of hair loss that people experience as they age. Hair often begins to recede at the hairline on the forehead in men. The part of a woman's hair is usually wider than the part of a man's hair. 

• A receding hairline (facial fibrosing alopecia) is an increasingly common hair loss pattern in older women.

• Bald areas that are round or spotty.

• Some persons have hair loss in the form of round or spotty bald spots on the scalp, beard, or brows. Before the hair falls out, your skin may become uncomfortable or unpleasant.

• Hair loss that occurs suddenly. Hair might become loose as a result of a physical or mental trauma. Handfuls of hair may fall out as you are combing or washing your hair, or even when you gently tug on it. This form of hair loss typically results in overall hair thinning but is very transitory.

• Hair loss all over the body. Some medical diseases and treatments, such as chemotherapy for cancer, can cause hair loss all over your body.

• The hair generally regrows.

• Scaling patches that extend throughout the scalp. This is an indication of ringworm. It is sometimes accompanied by broken hair, redness, swelling, and leaking.

When to consult a doctor:

• If you are concerned about ongoing hair loss in yourself or your child and wish to seek treatment, consult your doctor. Talk to your doctor about early therapy for women who have a receding hairline (facial fibrosing alopecia) to avoid major irreversible baldness.

• Also, consult your doctor if you observe sudden or patchy hair loss, or if you notice greater hair loss than usual when combing or washing your or your child's hair. Sudden hair loss can indicate an underlying medical problem that must be treated.


The average person loses 50 to 100 hairs per day. Because new hair is growing in at the same time, this is usually not evident. When new hair does not replace the hair that has gone out, hair loss occurs.

Hair loss is frequently caused by one or more of the following factors:

• Heirloom (family history). A inherited disorder that occurs with ageing is the most common cause of hair loss. Androgenic alopecia, male-pattern baldness, and female-pattern baldness are all names for this disorder. It normally happens gradually and in predictable patterns, with men experiencing a receding hairline and bald spots and women experiencing thinning hair along the crown of the scalp.

• Changes in hormones and medical problems. A range of disorders, including hormonal changes caused by pregnancy, delivery, menopause, and thyroid difficulties, can result in permanent or temporary hair loss. Alopecia areata (al-o-PEE-she-uh ar-e-A-tuh), an immune-related ailment that causes patchy hair loss, scalp infections such as ringworm, and trichotillomania (trik-o-til-o-MAY-nee-uh) are examples of medical illnesses.

• Medications and nutritional supplements. Certain medicines, such as those used to treat cancer, arthritis, depression, heart problems, gout, and high blood pressure, can cause hair loss.

• Radiation treatment to the head. Hair may not regrow in the same manner as before.

• A extremely difficult situation. Many people notice overall hair thinning several months following a physical or mental trauma. This kind of hair loss is only transient

• Treatments and hairstyles. Excessive hairstyling or hairstyles that pull your hair tight, such as bunches or bunches, can cause traction alopecia, a kind of hair loss. Hair loss can also be caused by hot-oil hair treatments and permanents. Scarring may result in permanent hair loss.

Factors of danger:

Hair loss can be caused by a variety of circumstances, including:

• A balding family history on your mother's or father's side

• Significant weight reduction with age

• Diabetes and lupus are two medical disorders that cause stress.

• Nutritional deficiencies


The majority of baldness is inherited (male-pattern baldness and female-pattern baldness). This form of hair loss cannot be avoided.

These suggestions may assist you in avoiding preventable types of hair loss:

• Take care of your hair. When brushing and combing your hair, use a detangler and avoid tugging, especially if it is wet. A wide-toothed comb may help reduce hair loss. Hot rollers, curling irons, hot-oil treatments, and permanents should be avoided. Limit the tension on your hair caused by rubber bands, barrettes, and braids.

• Inquire with your doctor about any medications or supplements you are taking that may be causing hair loss.

• Sunlight and other UV light sources should be avoided.

• Quit smoking. Some research demonstrate a link between smoking and male baldness.

If you're undergoing chemotherapy, talk to your doctor about getting a cooling cap. This cap may lessen your chances of losing hair while undergoing chemotherapy.

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